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Similiar Bucket List Ideas

Watch all Oscar award winning movies: The Life of Emile Zola  -  03/30/14 (Steve Morris)

save a Euro every day  -  05/29/11 (Kate Culligan)

see a real life Van Gogh painting  -  09/23/13 (L. Waldorf)

Be a Relay for Life team captain... again :)  -  07/11/11 (Beth R)

Tell Someone the story of my life sparing no details - (3) people

Have a near life experience  -  08/22/12 (Johnny Gonzales)

The Living Edens - Costa Rica: Land of Pure Life  -  08/25/10 (Steph R)

Make a difference in someones life - (13) people

Recreate webkinz meals in real life  -  09/25/20 (Megan Nicole)

Make a difference in the life of a child  -  11/26/10 (S.A. Mar)

Investigate Real Life X-Files  -  05/23/11 (shelton clark jr)

Change someone's life  -  07/08/11 (Kara Thomas)

Make a Significant Change in Someone's Life - (3) people

Write a letter to each of your children telling them what you want them to know about your life and the lessons you’ve learned - (2) people

Find my life's passion - (2) people

Find What Makes Me Happy In Life - (2) people

Be A Nude Model For A Life-Drawing Class  -  09/25/14 (Katie T.)

Have someone tell me "you changed my life."  -  06/03/12 (Rebecca Orbegoso)

Buy Lunch For A Stranger And Learn About Their Life - (4) people

101. change someone’s life for the better  -  10/11/10 (Mazzi wheatley)

Have 2 children with the love of my life  -  10/27/10 (n H)

The Living Edens - Ngorongoro: Africa's Cradle of Life  -  08/25/10 (Steph R)

Be able to say I changed someone's life  -  04/08/13 (Victoria Clarke)

Walk around with a T-Shirt on saying "Life" and pass out Lemons to people who walk by  -  05/17/12 (David Roush)

Make national news for doing something good and/ or life changing  -  10/26/10 (Will Garrott)

4. Write a novel about life in America  -  09/17/10 (Nathaniel Long)

Make a difference in a child's life in a big way  -  05/16/12 (Alli Baker)

scuba dive in the ocean, where there is a lot of marine life  -  11/24/10 (Anika Shane)

185. Save €750 and go outlet-shopping  -  06/29/11 (Jirrine Breedijk)

Risk being arrested for activism to save an animal's life  -  08/13/10 (Kate Torres)

write the story of my life - (4) people

✔Save all our change for a really awesome trip  -  07/08/14 (Susan F)

Lead an extrodinarily creative life  -  08/14/11 (Jessica wallis)

Find my purpose in this life - (2) people

Help save a life  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Change Someone's Life - (5) people

Have a life interesting enough to have a daily blog - (3) people

list 100 rules for my life  -  09/07/11 (Megan T)

#18 Save £1,000  -  10/17/12 (Lisa Pantling)

To get married to the love of my life - (7) people

Photograph an endangered species. Aside from an image you can keep for a lifetime, it will remind you, and others, how fragile life can be - (2) people

✔Make someone realise there is more to life than technology  -  11/12/13 (Lance Garbutt)

Make a family of my own with all of the important people in my life  -  12/28/12 (Miranda Hogan)

1. Make a difference in at least one person's life  -  03/13/11 (Emma McD)

Help 10 people build their dream life/business  -  06/23/10 (Jan Orga)

Take the "Composing Your Life" course at MIT  -  07/11/12 (Chowder Col)

Marry the love of my life - (4) people

Save the world - (2) people

To work as a life coach and help others with what I've learned so far  -  11/22/10 (Raw Me)

wear a shirt that says, "life", and hand out lemons  -  05/20/12 (Erin Doyle)