Jaimee-Leigh Wignell
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Enlightenment Progress (30/173)
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"Apply and complete the 6 needed group subjects for the IB curriculum. Sciences, Math "
"I want to take Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Math, higher math. and get A* in everything"
"I want to retake math, get A* I would also like to take double award science, biology, chemistry, and physics if I can. A* A* While those are the ...read more"
people (32)
Completed on 11/12/2016
people (94)
people (102)
Experience A Rolfing Massage (Deep Muscle or Connective Tissue Massage)
people (1)
people (16)
people (4)
people (80)
people (164)
people (138)
people (201)
"I remember being able to juggle with one hand but only with 2 balls. I would love to learn how to juggle more than 2, with both hands."
people (26)
"Why not :)"
people (24)
"I would like to learn to drive so that I can visit my brothers more frequently and take them places."
people (25)
Completed on 10/18/2016
"I made 3 new friends on facebook whom I believe will be friends for the long run. "
Completed on 07/28/2016
"I influenced my fiancee to go 100 vegan. partners mom to go veg. her best friend and his boyfriend are trying to go veg. my grandparents are trying to ...read more"
Completed on 01/01/2016
Completed on 01/31/2016
Completed on 01/31/2016
make myself useful, don't sit on the sidelines
Completed on 01/31/2016
help someone work on their home
Completed on 12/31/2015
"Helped second cousin in law with flooring in her home"
people (51)
Completed on 11/09/2009
"ball pointing it as a year earlier than when I officially asked her out, as I knew long before then that I had fallen for her. We met on youtube, she ...read more"
people (55)
Completed on 08/07/2012
Shave head in support of someone else's illness
Completed on 11/13/2013
photos (2)
reach the top of a climbing wall
people (1)
own animals that I don't use for myself but let it live happily
have 3 more close friends by the age of 25
Completed on 11/12/2016
Completed on 07/27/2016
eventually see my grandma live her life happily after I move out
tell my doctor when I disagree with what they are saying and be firm
Completed on 02/10/2016
"My Fiancee was here for a visit and needed medication. My doctor got very rude and yelled at her. She suffers extreme anxiety. I tried to defuse the s ...read more"
Completed on 07/23/2016
"I was at a Vegan festival, and I was just making small talk really. I wasn't intending to make anyone laugh, but I distinctly remember the two people ...read more"
people (2)
people (3)
Completed on 12/27/2015
"I have been living as a vegetarian for at least 7 months to my knowledge. "
people (6)
Completed on 03/03/2016
"Best thing I have ever done! Still Vegan (todays date as I write this is 28 June 2016. I feel healthier and happier that I am helping animals! Go watc ...read more"
Completed on 06/28/2016
"I'll mark it as today's date, but it was months ago! I let her pick a story from a book I found in Sarah's mom's bedroom. Vanessa is Sarah's neice (Sa ...read more"
people (14)
Completed on 06/28/2016
"We went to a lake somewhere with Sarah's family, Sarah and I stayed in the water then sunbathed on the grass. I got a tan! woo "
people (1)
take my fiancee to at least 3 castles
Completed on 06/28/2016
volunteer at an animal shelter
people (7)
draw something every day for a year
people (1)
people (9)
Take my Fiancee to meet my family in England
Completed on 01/15/2016
"Not sure on exact date but around here. She met my family, stayed with us in England and loved it. They all really love her : D"
Attend a martial arts class for at least 2 years
Completed on 12/27/2015
"I need to reword this, I have attended martial arts for at least 5 years in the past."
stand up to someone doing wrong
Completed on 07/27/2016
"I've wanted to do this since watching the show charmed, it shows scenes of it and it holds childhood memories and nostalgia and dreams of visiting the ...read more"
people (4)
Wear what I want with confidence
"wear something that I like, but would otherwise not buy and wear because of low self esteem. "
Buy clothes that I actually love without doubting my body image
Give a bouquet of snap dragon flowers to my fiancee
"these are her fave flowers last time I checked, I never see anywhere selling them. It'd be awesome to suprise her with this "
"I easily become frustrated which leads to anger, I'd like to work on patience to avoid this. "
Completed on 03/01/2016
"I feel fantastic! not only have I quit smoking but I quit contributing to pollution and animal cruelty. Did you know that Cigarettes are tested on ani ...read more"
people (25)
"our bedroom is a basement room, which is dirty, has black mould. So we're sleeping on our couch right now. I want to renovate our bedroom, make it liv ...read more"
Completed on 12/31/2015
"Helped my fiancee's second cousin lay new flooring, this flexed some construction and carpentry skills, by tonight we will have completed the three ro ...read more"
Cut all ties with toxic people
Completed on 12/27/2015
"Ongoing of course, but I have cut all ties with everyone toxic and will continue to do so. "
Completed on 12/24/2014
"I flew alone on a plane for the first time on xmas eve 2014 from London to America. I did this again this year"
people (3)
Completed on 12/24/2014
"I met my now Fiancee in person for the very first time on xmas eve of 2014 in the airport. We met on youtube and had been talking online for 6 years ...read more"
Completed on 12/27/2015
"I did this little by little but I've spent 5 months in America over various visits so far. "
Leave a disapproving letter by the lobster tank in the grocery store
"Having the balls to stand up for what I believe in is a huge step, I hope to do this. I want to write about the cruel conditions of the lobbies, that ...read more"
Save a live lobster from being sold for it's meat
"Our local grocery store has a very over crowded tank of adult lobbies with their claws taped shut. They'll be sold to be boiled alive. Awful life in c ...read more"
plant bomb random areas with seeds of needed plant life
"Throw balls of compost and seeds at random spots of ground in different locations with plants that each area is in need of environmentally and that wi ...read more"
Paint something on my Fiancee's body
"I'd like to paint something on her body, on her back or another body part using body paint. I think it would be another form of intimacy without being ...read more"
Volunteer to clean up graveyards
"I often see half assed clean up jobs with landscaping in graveyards, I'd like to do a good, thorough job for free. In numerous locations. With permiss ...read more"
Leaves flowers at deserted/ unattended graves
"I often see deserted or unattended graves all the time. I'd like to buy and leave flowers at numerous graves like this. "
leave money at food place for single parent with kids
"I would like to leave some money to pay for the next single parent with kids that dines there. No particular reason, just seems like they could use a ...read more"
Pay for a stranger's groceries
"I know how hard it is to make your money stretch and some people go hungry to feed their kids or just end up putting stuff back, I'd like to pay for t ...read more"
people (2)
people (2)
29. Help an elderly person cross the street
"This is just common sense, but i'll add it here anyways as I've never been faced with the situation of seeing an elderly person crossing alone "
people (1)
"we may still have children we have given birth to but I would love to adopt at least one child."
people (65)
"I'm afraid to do this one, but it's something I really want to do."
people (22)
"I'm age 22 and weigh around 270 pounds as of right now ( dec 27 2015 ) I hope to someday be a healthy weight for my height, which is roughly 6ft "
people (25)
"I definitely want to do this"
people (26)
Get a professional massage done
"A nice treat is needed, my shoulders would definitely thank me for it. "
people (27)
Start a gratitude journal: Write five things every day that I am thankful for
"This is a wonderful idea"
people (27)
"So that I can play for our future children, I think music is very healing"
people (29)
"Always wanted to do this, my social anxiety holds me back but I wish to overcome the fear and give back to the community "
people (31)
"Much needed! I have attempted in the past, usually on my porch at dawn, but it would be lovely to learn how to do it properly "
people (31)
"This would be so exciting to do"
people (35)
"I'm English, so I've never had the opportunity to do this, but as y fiancee is American, I hope to experience a drive in movie with her some day."
people (46)
Leave a letter in a library book
"I've left little cards that I had made dotted around stores that read something along the lines of 'you're beautiful, every one else already knows the ...read more"
people (67)
Completed on 07/26/2016
people (81)
"to add life to the planet is beautiful, what a nice idea. "
people (84)
Take a photo every day for a year
"This sounds like a fantastic, interesting idea which I will do this coming year"
people (87)
"I'm already engaged but affording our marriage is a challenge we're facing. I'm adding it because it'll be a glorious adventure, so long awaited."
people (193)
"Apply and complete the 6 needed group subjects for the IB curriculum. Sciences, Math "
"I want to take Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Math, higher math. and get A* in everything"
"I want to retake math, get A* I would also like to take double award science, biology, chemistry, and physics if I can. A* A* While those are the only ones that I will be needing, I would like to ...read more"