Grace Mel

Grace Mel


About Grace:
Sometimes, we don't really know how much we don't know about ourselves until we are asked that question. Other times, we can't possibly find one thing more

Mission Statement:
My life on this earth has meaning, until I find that destiny, I'm convinced I just exist for the continuation of living life on earth. So I'd rather m more

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Grace's Bucket List

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Grace's Latest Activity
Grace Mel added Fall in love and be loved to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"Yep. Why do I always find myself in the worst timing ever? Never once have I fallen in love with someone who loved me as well. At least not in the same time span."

Grace Mel added Go to University to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"There. I said it. Even If I didn't care enough to do it, now I HAVE to. It's on my bucket list!"

Grace Mel added Sing in front of a big crowd of people to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"Whenever I go on a stage, or have to perform something, anything- I naturally feel nervous. But with singing, it's worse. Usually my stage fright washes off, and I'm left wanting nothing but to be in more"

Grace Mel added Have Children to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"Obviously, not now. But someday."

Grace Mel added Kiss a girl *blush* to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"I just would like to have a lesbian experience, I don't know why, but I think it's interesting."


Live Stream for Grace
Michelle Hudson completed Create a small library of my own. - over a year ago

"Over the past six months I have bought books to fill up my library. I now have a couple hundred books. They includes: fitness, biography's, cookbooks, fiction, graphic novels, and poetry. There is a b more"

Steve Morris is now friends with Stacey Ellis. - over a year ago
Michelle Hudson added Pay off student loans to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"I have a big Hecs debt that I need to pay off unfortunately."

Michelle Hudson completed Bake Christmas Cookies. - over a year ago

"Made the dough on Christmas eve and let it set overnight like the instruction said. The dough tasted really nice. Christmas day came I baked the cookies and decorated them. Then I tried the first one more"

Michelle Hudson completed Bake Christmas Cookies. - over a year ago

"Made the dough on Christmas eve and let it set overnight like the instruction said. The dough tasted really nice. Christmas day came I baked the cookies and decorated them. Then I tried the first one more"

Michelle Hudson completed Get Another Tattoo. - over a year ago

"Found one I really liked at the Perth Tattoo Expo and I got it done. I'm really happy with my choice."

Michelle Hudson completed See gay marriage legal in Australia. - over a year ago

"It's official. I love that the Australian people made this happen. Love is Love! Love Endures! Love Wins!"

Michelle Hudson completed Get a permanent job. - over a year ago

"I got a promotion to a permanent team leader position in October; however I had to go on probation for a few months. On the 7th of Feb it became official and they gave me another promotion at the same more"

Michelle Hudson completed Get given a rose. - over a year ago

"I got surprised with a red rose at work. A little old man who I have been taking care of for a few months brought me a rose from his garden. It smelt really nice and was a pleasant surprise."

Michelle Hudson added Read the classics to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"Moby dick, dracular etc. All the books I could never be bothered to read when I was younger."

Michelle Hudson added a photo to Finish university and attend graduation on her bucketlist. - over a year ago

After the graduation ceremony

Michelle Hudson completed Finish university and attend graduation. - over a year ago

"I completed my Registered Nursing on 17/07/2017. I went to graduation on the 17/09/2017. My mum and dad came over from Tasmania to watch me graduate. They spent a couple days letting me show them ar more"

photos (1)

Michelle Hudson added Sleep in an overwater bungalow in Bora Bora to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"They look so cool, I have to do it once"

Michelle Hudson added Travel somewhere TRULY exotic – anywhere that feels like the end of the earth to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"Maybe Antarctica or the Artic Circle."

Michelle Hudson added Watch a meteor shower to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"It would be awesome."

Michelle Hudson added Take a class totally out of my element to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"Maybe something artsy. "

Michelle Hudson added Make a snow angel to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"Just because I have never done it."

Michelle Hudson is now friends with Pete R. - over a year ago
Michelle Hudson added Climb a lighthouse to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"I have always wanted to see from the top of one."

Michelle Hudson added Spend a night at an aquarium to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"This would be so cool."

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