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Similiar Bucket List Ideas

Make a difference in someones life - (13) people

Make a difference in at least one person's life  -  08/14/11 (Jessica wallis)

I want to have a loving family to support me in a positive way that promotes life, love, and happiness  -  02/03/12 (quintin mccarty)

Life of Pi (2012)  -  08/21/11 (Movie Bucket)

Save up $10,000 and give it to random strangers, in $100 bills  -  05/12/11 (Elizabeth Essex)

Run For Your Freak'n Life  -  07/20/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Leave a mark on the world, give my life meaning - (2) people

✔Save an animal's life  -  10/30/14 (Chris H)

22. Make a significant change in someone’s life  -  12/12/10 (Shane Nolan)

The Living Edens - Ngorongoro: Africa's Cradle of Life  -  08/25/10 (Steph R)

Take part in a race for life  -  10/25/12 (Ebony Wilkinson)

Have someone tell me "you changed my life."  -  06/03/12 (Rebecca Orbegoso)

Live a life worth living  -  03/06/13 (Brandon Hutton)

Save my income for 3 months, just in case  -  05/07/11 (Stephanie G)

Recreate neopets meals in real life  -  09/25/20 (Megan Nicole)

Send a message in a bottle explaining what I know about life - (2) people

Keep a pet for it's entire life  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Risk My Life to Save Another's - (2) people

Make a difference in someone's life - (5) people

Help 10 people build their dream life/business  -  06/23/10 (Jan Orga)

✔Bugs Life, A  -  05/18/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Save a life by donating bone marrow - (2) people

Financial - Save $ 3,000.00 in 1 dollar bills  -  08/10/11 (Carroll VerSteeg)

eventually see my grandma live her life happily after I move out  -  12/27/15 (Jaimee-Leigh Wignell)

Make a Significant Change in Someone's Life - (3) people

Forgive the people that have done me wrong; manage to make my life a complete clean slate, as if I've never been hurt - (3) people

Teach my children how to embrace life and "Go for it"  -  09/12/12 (Adam Gregor)

39) SAVE SOMEONE’S LIFE  -  01/20/12 (Marisa M)

Actually have a life long partner  -  06/17/10 (LaVonne Miller)

Recreate webkinz meals in real life  -  09/25/20 (Megan Nicole)

Ask Catalina to be my partner for life  -  05/04/11 (Mitchell & Martha Santiago)

Reach all Characters to lvl 25 , 3rd Life  -  03/31/13 (Lance Garbutt)

To get married to the love of my life - (7) people

Be a Relay for Life team captain... again :)  -  07/11/11 (Beth R)

Enroll in Still Life/Architecture Drawing/Painting Program  -  06/10/12 (James Brennan)

Save a dog from the pound  -  08/03/10 (Nicki LaFoille)

The Odd Life of Timothy Green  -  08/21/11 (Movie Bucket)

Make a significant change in someones life - (2) people

Truly save someone's life  -  08/26/10 (Stephanie Brennan)

wear a shirt that says, "life", and hand out lemons  -  05/20/12 (Erin Doyle)

Make it through my entire life without a cavity - (2) people

Make life stories for friends  -  06/29/10 (AMALIKAAA NAJOFF)

Thank every person who came into my life - (2) people

Film and edit a week in my life vlog  -  02/11/20 (Megan Nicole)

Go through life without breaking a bone  -  04/20/11 (Kayla Spann)

Save Someone's Life - (8) people

Make a difference in at least one person's life for the better  -  12/30/10 (Teri Foureyes-Awasis)

Buy Lunch For A Stranger And Learn About Their Life - (4) people

see a real life Van Gogh painting  -  09/23/13 (L. Waldorf)

Wear a shirt that says life and hand out lemons  -  03/26/12 (Lyz Betz)