Annette White

Annette White


About Annette:
My blog, is an unconventional quest to see, do and EAT…everything; where dreams become reality and your life to-do-list is an more

Mission Statement:
The goal is about the journey, make every journey incredible!

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Annette's Bucket List

Enlightenment Progress (13/30)



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Comments From Friends
Kham Inthammavong

"22nd!!! Very Impressive!" - over a year ago

Kham Inthammavong

"How are things going with your Oprah show casting." - over a year ago

Leo Carrillo

"Greetings from Kansas City!!" - over a year ago

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Annette's Latest Activity
Annette White added a photo to her profile. - over a year ago
Annette White is now friends with Scott Thomson. - over a year ago
Annette White is now friends with Ashley D.. - over a year ago
Annette White is now friends with Laurie Fletcher. - over a year ago
Annette White is now friends with Jeff Knowles. - over a year ago


Live Stream for Annette
Megan Beeching completed Attend Buddhist church. - 1 month ago
Megan Nicole completed Join The Mile High Club. - 1 month ago
Megan Nicole added Join The Mile High Club to her bucket list. - 1 month ago
Megan Nicole added Attend 5 year college reunion to her bucket list. - 1 month ago
Megan Nicole added Make love in the rain to her bucket list from Angelo Rivera - 1 month ago
Megan Nicole added Make love in an elevator to her bucket list from Kari Garcia - 1 month ago
Megan Nicole added 53. Make love on the beach to her bucket list from Michelle Anne - 1 month ago
Megan Nicole completed Denver, Colorado. - 1 month ago
Megan Nicole completed Make love in a hotel room. - 1 month ago
Megan Nicole completed Visit Colorado. - 1 month ago
Megan Nicole added Denver, Colorado to her bucket list. - 1 month ago
Megan Nicole added Make love in a hotel room to her bucket list. - 1 month ago
Megan Nicole added Visit Colorado to her bucket list. - 1 month ago
Ashley D. completed Go to Amstradam. - 2 months ago
Ashley D. completed Disneyland Paris. - 2 months ago
Megan Nicole completed Go to TLA Conference. - 3 months ago

"April 2024 San Antonio"

Megan Nicole added Go to TLA Conference to her bucket list. - 3 months ago
Megan Nicole completed Go on the river walk in San Antonio. - 3 months ago

"This was really nice!"

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