Angelo Rivera

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Mission Statement:
It's time to live and stop simply just existing.
Enlightenment Progress (14/35)
Quick Find:
Completed on 08/17/2013
"My brother smuggled one in for me comming back from his honeymoon. Yeah truly appreciated that sucker "
Eat and drink at 500 Memorable restaurants/bars/lounges
"So far i've been to: 1) Gyu-kaku, 2) benihana, 3) Alfredo, 4) Ninja new York, 5) maracas, 6) flor de mayo, 7) sofrito, 8) charm thai 9) copia 10) b more"
Take my dream vacation to New Zealand
"I feel like I need to go to New Zealand."
"Have to educate my pallet"
"Cause I'm romantic ;-)"
people (1)
"cause im a freak"
people (1)
"Pay it forward at least 10 times just to make this world just a little bit better"
experience "dinner in the sky"
"Just another once in a life thing"
Learn a useful cool skill like locksmithing or bartending
"its always cool to have a useful skill"
people (1)
Get on silent library or a game show with some sense
"Just cause..."
"Cause I've already been skydiving and hang gliding :-)"
people (95)
"run a marathon, do a type of ninja warrior, A real sensible challenge a friend gives you or even something crazy and huge the will make a difference more"
Go on a spiritual journey; a type of walkabout
"Find myself"
"Just so I can take a moment and take It all in."
people (228)
"Looks like fun "
people (10)
Write a list of countries I would like to visit and see them
"I'm sure this will be done"
"Get up and just go just to make life a bit more intresting"
people (2)
"See a glimpse of gods beauty"
people (89)
"I want a glimpse of gods beauty"
people (224)
"Not really going to do but this should be on everyones bucket list. What I will do is throw a bad ass party."
Throw someone a bachelor party
Completed on 08/12/2013
Completed on 07/09/2012
"For my 26th birthday and we had a blast. So worth it. "
people (32)
Completed on 07/11/2012
"chichago, jersey boys, ghetto klown, and on 7/11/2012 I will see the lion king."
people (12)
See a Yankee game at Yankee stadium
Completed on 09/20/2011
"It was a fun one time thing "
comments (1)
Completed on 11/19/2005
"YEA paint balling not for me. Hurt like hell, froze my ass, and woke up soooo sore. At least I did it. "
people (2)
Completed on 08/12/2006
"best family picnic ever. The rain just made everything better :-) "
Completed on 07/09/2011
"Better then skydiving :-D"
people (9)
Completed on 07/11/2011
"Yep so crazy I did It twice. "
people (48)
Completed on 07/11/2007
"Hurt like hell!!!"
people (277)
Give such a great gift it would make the person cry
Completed on 12/25/2009
"I almost cried myself. Grandma loved the gift :-)"
people (4)
Completed on 05/15/2011
"Wedding went perfect. I did my thing. "
people (2)
Completed on 05/28/2009
"yey me!!!!!!!!!!!! "Love them guppy lips" lol"
people (55)
Completed on 07/08/2010

"My brother smuggled one in for me comming back from his honeymoon. Yeah truly appreciated that sucker "
"I may not be an cigar enthusiast but i can appreciate a good cigar :)"
"Threw my brother a batchlor party and with a 24 hour notice I planed the best short notice batchlor party any brother can do on a budget. Also I can erase going to a strip club off my bucket list"
"I feel like I need to go to New Zealand."