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Save a life

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(56) People Have This On Their Bucket List


Similiar Bucket List Ideas

Truly save someone's life  -  08/26/10 (Stephanie Brennan)

Wild life safari  -  06/28/10 (Amanda Horne)

Do something that will change my life  -  11/28/10 (Tyler Lesan)

Have a Life Long Partner  -  03/23/14 (Steve Morris)

do 5 race for life  -  04/14/11 (amy ware)

wear a shirt that says, "life", and hand out lemons  -  05/20/12 (Erin Doyle)

Find my life's passion  -  07/15/10 (Jeremiah Stahn)

Play the Game of Life  -  09/21/14 (Lance Garbutt)

write the story of my life - (4) people

Risk your life for an something greater than yourself  -  12/03/10 (Jake Larsen)

Make a life-long friend  -  06/28/10 (Amanda Horne)

Make a Timeline/Journal of important events in my life - (4) people

Recreate neopets meals in real life  -  09/25/20 (Megan Nicole)

Wild Life Hamilton Island, Hamilton Island  -  07/24/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Life Support Beachside Dash  -  08/11/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Thank every person who came into my life - (2) people

Find the love of my life - (3) people

Complete Earle Lindeman's 5 Fitness Benchmarks needed to save your own life  -  07/20/10 (Scott Johnson)

The Living Edens - Patagonia: Life at the End of the Earth - (2) people

4. Write a novel about life in America  -  09/17/10 (Nathaniel Long)

Reach level 29 - 3rd life on all my characters DDO  -  08/23/13 (Lance Garbutt)

Sign up for ''Race For Life''  -  04/25/11 (Stephanie G)

Marry only one person. The person I will be with for the rest of my life  -  10/22/10 (Crystal Allen)

eventually see my grandma live her life happily after I move out  -  12/27/15 (Jaimee-Leigh Wignell)

simplify my life  -  08/23/11 (Megan T)

Recreate webkinz meals in real life  -  09/25/20 (Megan Nicole)

Run For Your Freak'n Life  -  07/20/14 (Lance Garbutt)

save a Euro every day  -  05/29/11 (Kate Culligan)

Be able to look back at my life and be proud of myself  -  06/15/11 (Russell Doiron)

✔Life-Size  -  06/01/14 (Lance Garbutt)

see a real life Van Gogh painting  -  09/23/13 (L. Waldorf)

Experience a scene in a movie, but in real life  -  03/29/11 (Autie Barnes)

Ask Catalina to be my partner for life  -  05/04/11 (Mitchell & Martha Santiago)

Teach my children how to embrace life and "Go for it"  -  09/12/12 (Adam Gregor)

Live a debt-free life - (2) people

✔Save every dime I get for 1 year  -  11/07/10 (K M)

Lead an extrodinarily creative life  -  08/14/11 (Jessica wallis)

2000 years old tree (Tree of Life) (Limpopo Province, South Africa)  -  12/04/17 (Susan F)

Financial - Save $ 3,000.00 in 1 dollar bills  -  08/10/11 (Carroll VerSteeg)

Keep a pet for it's entire life  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

plant bomb random areas with seeds of needed plant life  -  12/27/15 (Jaimee-Leigh Wignell)

✔Fall in love at least once in life  -  08/18/11 (Alex Sidney)

Get My Life In Shape - (2) people

Go through life without breaking a bone  -  04/20/11 (Kayla Spann)

Live and work in at least 5 different countries over the course of my life  -  08/22/11 (Amanda Roberts)

Save One-Year's Salary  -  01/03/11 (Dream Big!)

Tell Austin Carlile how much he means to me, and tell him how he saved my life and helped me stop self harming  -  08/23/12 (maryanne dubreuil)

Take all my grandchildren on a family vacation in the Caribbean--doesn't matter what island--to show them how great life is and how big the world is  -  05/24/11 (Shirley Clark)

Make a friend for life  -  02/27/11 (Gemma Phelps)

Live life like in webkinz for a week  -  09/25/20 (Megan Nicole)