Leslie Brown

Leslie Brown


About Leslie:
I am a single grad student looking to step out of my comfort zone and play in the world God has given us.

Mission Statement:
I am single now, but will get married someday, I want to go into that marriage knowing I have had all the adventures a single girl can handle and read ...read more

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Leslie's Bucket List

Enlightenment Progress (6/23)



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Leslie's Latest Activity
Leslie Brown added Topless protest to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Leslie Brown completed Earn MBA with honors. - over a year ago

"I can't remember the exact date but I graduated last year! No honors, but its still an accomplishment. "


Leslie Brown completed Create an awesome family tree. - over a year ago

"I used ancestry.com and went back as far as I could with the information I know. What an awesome visual."

Leslie Brown completed Buy a house,. - over a year ago

"Finally got my house and I love it!!!"

Leslie Brown updated her story to Learn a language I never thought I was interested in on her bucket list. - over a year ago

"9/28 - In about 2 weeks I will begin Italian language classes. I am also planning to spend some time in Italy next year and my travel buddies say we are going to Japan as well, so may be able to chec ...read more"



Live Stream for Leslie
j nadonza completed La Brea Tar Pits(Los Angeles, California). - over a year ago

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

photos (2)

j nadonza completed La Brea Tar Pits(Los Angeles, California). - over a year ago

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

photos (2)

j nadonza added a photo to La Brea Tar Pits(Los Angeles, California) on his bucketlist. - over a year ago
j nadonza added a photo to La Brea Tar Pits(Los Angeles, California) on his bucketlist. - over a year ago
j nadonza added a photo to Stand under a waterfall on his bucketlist. - over a year ago
j nadonza added a photo to Stand under a waterfall on his bucketlist. - over a year ago
j nadonza added a photo to Stand under a waterfall on his bucketlist. - over a year ago
j nadonza completed Stand under a waterfall. - over a year ago

"Huntington library and botanical garden. Nice surprise"

photos (3)

j nadonza completed Eat Fried Icecream. - over a year ago

photos (2)

j nadonza added a photo to Eat Fried Icecream on his bucketlist. - over a year ago
j nadonza added a photo to Eat Fried Icecream on his bucketlist. - over a year ago
j nadonza completed Make fried ice cream. - over a year ago

"Need to use corn flakes next time. Granola meh 😕 "

photos (5)

j nadonza added a photo to Make fried ice cream on his bucketlist. - over a year ago
j nadonza added a photo to Make fried ice cream on his bucketlist. - over a year ago
j nadonza added a photo to Make fried ice cream on his bucketlist. - over a year ago
j nadonza added a photo to Make fried ice cream on his bucketlist. - over a year ago
j nadonza added a photo to Make fried ice cream on his bucketlist. - over a year ago
j nadonza added a photo to visit 5 presidential museums on his bucketlist. - over a year ago
j nadonza added a photo to visit 5 presidential museums on his bucketlist. - over a year ago
j nadonza added a photo to visit 5 presidential museums on his bucketlist. - over a year ago

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