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Similiar Bucket List Ideas

find a massive shell on a beach  -  10/18/11 (Gemma Campbell)

Find Geocache(s): Find 1 Geocache  -  05/12/13 (Steve Morris)

Visit Bruce Lee's grave - (3) people

Find out who "A" is  -  01/10/12 (Sarah Harp)

Find my sisters  -  03/16/15 (Deana Littlebear)

See Marilyn Monroe's Grave  -  06/03/12 (Rebecca Orbegoso)

Find out what happened to Kurt Cobain  -  12/26/11 (Ola Węc)

Find a pen pal - (2) people


Take a "work-break" to find myself  -  12/30/10 (Diana Augustine)

Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity  -  07/10/12 (Chowder Col)

Make scrap book photo albums of all photos at home  -  07/13/10 (Sara KA)

Try every pose in the Kamasutra (and find 1 that's missing, hehe) - (2) people

Find a precious stone at Arkansas Diamond Mine  -  03/16/15 (Deana Littlebear)

Visit a grave site or birth place of some cultural icon - (2) people

Find a missing animal - (3) people

Get a group of ten people to go to the Galapagos and volunteer in August  -  07/14/10 (jon jared)

Volunteer at a homless shelter or soup kitchen. (Donate money for charity)  -  12/06/11 (Katelynn Henry)

Find someone's lost pet  -  10/17/11 (Caroline Kulikowski)

Find a missing person - (3) people

Volunteer for an organization that defends victims of domestic violence  -  11/15/10 (Lindsay M.)

Volunteer with a non-profit organization during 6 months  -  03/06/11 (Zimzala )

20 To find a Geo cache in all 50 states  -  12/13/10 (Tyler Carver)

Find my dream job - (3) people

✔Offer your change to someone struggling to find the right amount  -  10/03/13 (Lance Garbutt)

Find a rare coin - (3) people

Find my power animal  -  07/25/12 (Johnny Gonzales)

Scan in all our family photos and make a slide show - (2) people

Volunteer in Africa  -  11/26/12 (Dani Ewing)

Find a real arrowhead  -  07/03/14 (Aimee Cser)

✔Always take a picture with every face cut out I find  -  03/29/14 (Susan F)

volunteer at a soupl kitchen  -  05/04/12 (Melissa Stoltz)

Find a bigger home for my family  -  12/28/11 (Michelle Smith)

Volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter - (5) people

Find Nemo  -  07/10/12 (Marissa Schroeder)

Do habitat for humanity or similar volunteer activity - (2) people

Volunteer at a tiger camp in Africa  -  05/13/11 (Kelsey Hicks)

Find a meteorite - (3) people

Volunteer with animals - (2) people

✔Find Colleen Eastman  -  07/25/10 (Kris Grove)

Find an inspiring scripture everyday - (2) people

Volunteer - (8) people

volunteer at a retirement home  -  05/04/12 (Melissa Stoltz)

✔Find uniqe perfum  -  03/25/11 (casey barakat)

find a good male platonic friend that I can rely on  -  10/23/10 (Bekki Richens)

Volunteer At A Orphanage - (2) people

Volunteer @ CASA, ASPCA, Represent Us, or become a board member  -  05/26/19 (Megan Beeching)

Find a Opal  -  09/25/14 (Lance Garbutt)

16. Volunteer in the children's wing of a hospital  -  11/24/10 (Jordan Sims)

Family - Find a relative in Norway / Finland / Holland  -  08/10/11 (Carroll VerSteeg)