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Donate My Hair to Locks of Love

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(13) People Have This On Their Bucket List

Jennifer Cochrane

I Have done this twice!

Kari Sinning

After growing my hair out for almost two years, I donated 1 ...more

Victoria Fiedler

I donated 13 inches the first time.Febraury 2004 I donated 1 ...more



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Fall helplessly and unconditionally in love  -  11/07/10 (Steven Barrlott)

Watch Titanic with someone I love  -  03/30/12 (Noor Hafizah)

Get a streak of blonde in my hair  -  09/18/11 (Megan Nicole)

53. Make love on the beach  -  06/27/11 (Michelle Anne)

Wear a flower in my hair - (2) people

Make someone I love a birthday cake  -  03/25/12 (Leo Andre)

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Donate $1000 to a charity  -  11/15/10 (Lindsay M.)

Do something wild with my hair  -  07/10/12 (Marissa Schroeder)

and I would love to go see a washington redskins dallas cowboy game live  -  03/30/16 (mary torrence)

Fall in love. This time forever - (2) people

Get natural hair extensions  -  07/21/12 (Ana Bugalho)

Find a job I love - (8) people

Experience true love  -  07/12/10 (Hazel Martin)

✔Twist all of my hair up without any bands or clips  -  08/27/15 (Susan F)

dye my hair different colors  -  02/21/12 (Claire Bice)

make love on new years  -  03/24/12 (maryanne dubreuil)

Place A Love Lock At The Bell Tower Perth , WA  -  10/16/13 (Lance Garbutt)

Eat, Pray, Love 2010  -  07/19/10 (Movie List)

✔Grow my hair out to at least the middle of my back  -  01/13/13 (Ashley Holden)

Donate canned goods or clothing to the needy - (2) people

Make love in Paris - (2) people

Buy clothes that I actually love without doubting my body image  -  12/27/15 (Jaimee-Leigh Wignell)

marry & have children with the love of my life  -  01/08/12 (Elizabeth Allison)

donate clothing  -  04/08/13 (Chowder Col)

Marry my true love :)  -  05/29/10 (Angel Reyes)

Learn photography like in movie A Lot Like Love  -  08/20/10 (Shiloh Williams)

Give up something I love but is a bad for me  -  11/07/10 (Steven Barrlott)

spend Christmas with the man I love  -  11/01/12 (maryanne dubreuil)

take a bubble bath with my love  -  03/24/12 (maryanne dubreuil)

Grow my hair out - (5) people

Dye my hair red - (8) people

Cut all my hair off for charity - (2) people

Donate equipment to IC :)) when i become rich. :D  -  06/10/10 (lisa marie)

✔Write a letter to everyone that I love  -  08/26/10 (Stephanie Brennan)

Donate Children's Books to a Hospital  -  01/30/14 (Steve Morris)

✔Fall hopelessly in love  -  02/02/12 (Tami K.)

✔Have a woman say she's in love with me  -  07/08/10 (Diana Giraldo)

✔Send my love a Valentine  -  01/02/11 (Nina Simone)

✔43/365 - Let a friend cut my hair  -  04/28/12 (Beke (eRic) Richárd)

Let my hair get really long  -  01/22/12 (Emmy Vaughn)

Quit my job to do something I love  -  11/30/14 (Amy Bunker)

Sit on the edge of a cliff and sceam: "I love you!" - (2) people

Give each and every person I love a handmade gift - (2) people

Learn to love again  -  12/09/11 (joyce chatten)

Donate over $50,000 to charity - (3) people