Nicholas Todd

Nicholas Todd


About Nicholas:
I was the creator of a slightly different list back in 2008. Since then the list has spiralled almost out of control but the group I created it with h more

Mission Statement:
With a group of friends I set up a collective bucket list in 2008. We all added the things we wanted to do and whilst with a bit of a competitive edge more

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Bucket List Item Information

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Similiar Bucket List Ideas

Make a Youtube channel and get paid by youtube for content  -  07/10/12 (Chowder Col)

37. Make a complete idiot of yourself in front of a large crowd  -  12/12/10 (Shane Nolan)

make a donation to charity - (3) people

Make a full court basketball shot  -  11/14/12 (Johnny Gonzales)

#39 Make fire without matches/lighter  -  12/07/11 (Klo Bowden)

Do 1 Sit up Each Day to Make 365 Counts by the Year End?  -  06/18/15 (Lance Garbutt)

Make Home Made Sunscreen  -  09/29/16 (Lance Garbutt)

Make life stories for friends  -  06/29/10 (AMALIKAAA NAJOFF)

Make my own wine - (3) people

20. Make an origami animal  -  07/16/10 (Annette White)


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