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Build a tree house

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Similiar Bucket List Ideas

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Spend the night in a tree house - (3) people

Plant a "family tree" in the backyard and carve our names on it  -  08/02/10 (Sarah Diehm)


Finish decorating the house  -  01/03/11 (Dream Big!)

fix up my house  -  11/18/10 (Heather Jaramillo)

✔Build a snowman/snow fort  -  02/22/15 (o f)

Build a treehouse - (11) people

Build a pallet herb garden  -  05/21/13 (Kitty Murphy)

Have a house-cleaning robot like Rosie from The Jetsons  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

023. Plant a tree  -  06/29/11 (Jirrine Breedijk)

Lindesay House  -  03/26/13 (Lance Garbutt)

Own a House with a Patio  -  02/21/14 (Steve Morris)

Visit The Full House Home In San Francisco  -  05/26/13 (Lance Garbutt)

Climb a coconut tree for coconuts  -  08/04/12 (Johnny Gonzales)

✔Climb a Coconut Tree Barefoot  -  10/27/13 (Lance Garbutt)

Build a really cool sandcastle  -  06/07/11 (Rebecca Gallagher)

Swing on a swing that's not on a swing set (tire swing on a tree, rope swing, etc.)  -  02/22/15 (o f)

Build an engine from scratch  -  02/13/11 (Niloshan Jeyarajah)

help out on a habitat for humanity build  -  01/13/11 (Misty Hawes-Owen)

See the white house - (3) people

Stay in a tree house  -  08/01/22 (Megan Beeching)

Mamre House  -  03/26/13 (Lance Garbutt)

Build a brand for myself and write/make things for profit  -  12/26/10 (Urszula J.)

Build a huge sand castle  -  09/01/12 (Johnny Gonzales)

clean up the land around our house  -  08/24/11 (Megan T)

Build a Pop Bottle Rocket - (2) people

✔build snowman larger than me  -  08/04/11 (Shay Cook)

pay off my house  -  07/15/11 (patricia thomas)

193. Have a beach house  -  06/28/11 (Jirrine Breedijk)

✔DING DONG DITCH SOMEONE'S HOUSE  -  12/31/10 (Melissa B)

visit a "hunted house"  -  11/18/10 (Heather Jaramillo)

✔Have My Picture Taken With a Golden Tree Snake  -  10/28/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Visit Places linked to the Beatles: George Harrison's House  -  02/23/13 (Steve Morris)

✔Monte Cristo Australia's Most Haunted House  -  03/27/13 (Lance Garbutt)

✔Visit Butterfly House in Coffs Harbour  -  03/26/13 (Lance Garbutt)

Buy a house - (52) people

Hug a tree - (5) people

Compete in the Sutter Home "Build a Better Burger" contest for $100,000  -  07/19/10 (Scott Johnson)

Go through the tree tunnel at Sequoia National Park (California) - (2) people

Own a House and Make it a Home  -  04/06/14 (Steve Morris)

Build a blanket fort - (3) people

Egg someone's house  -  04/20/11 (Kayla Spann)

research my family tree  -  10/18/11 (Gemma Campbell)

Spend a night in a haunted house/castle - (5) people

Build a quinzee - (2) people

Flip a house or decorate a room  -  12/30/10 (Teri Foureyes-Awasis)

Tree of Life (2011)  -  08/21/11 (Movie Bucket)

See The Christmas Tree Lit In NYC  -  07/01/10 (K Johnson)

Build an awesome sand castle - (2) people