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Touch different animals: A Whale

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See the British Animals:Otter  -  08/10/10 (Nicholas Todd)

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See Australian Animals: Tasmanian Devil  -  04/06/14 (Steve Morris)

do some volunteer work with animals  -  11/07/10 (Stefanie Rulla)

Volunteer on Whale Wars  -  08/14/10 (Kate Torres)

73. Go Whale-Watching  -  03/13/11 (Emma McD)

See a whale in the wild  -  07/30/16 (Susan F)

See the British Animals:Golden Eagle  -  08/10/10 (Nicholas Todd)

Feed Animals: A Koala Bear  -  01/31/14 (Steve Morris)

go whale watching in Alaska  -  02/19/13 (Cassandra Bielecki)

See African Animals in the Wild: Cheetah  -  03/29/14 (Steve Morris)

Swim with/touch Manatees  -  07/03/14 (Aimee Cser)

See the Australian Animals:Possum  -  08/10/10 (Nicholas Todd)

Whale watching - (8) people

See Australian Animals: Crocodile  -  04/06/14 (Steve Morris)

The Leeuwin Way Whale  -  09/25/14 (Lance Garbutt)

✔touch a starfish  -  04/20/11 (Ria T)

Touch different animals: An Alligator or Crocodile - (2) people

✔Whale Watching Cruise  -  03/30/13 (Lance Garbutt)

Get back in contact with someone you've lost touch with - (3) people

See British Animals: A Kestrel  -  02/20/14 (Steve Morris)

Touch every continent  -  01/06/11 (Michelle Cotter)

Have My Picture Taken With A Blue Whale - (2) people

✔78. touch a shark  -  06/27/11 (Michelle Anne)

Touch different animals: A Moose  -  04/04/14 (Steve Morris)

See the British Animals:Stoat  -  08/10/10 (Nicholas Todd)

See British Animals: A Red Squirrel  -  02/20/14 (Steve Morris)

Scuba Dive with Whale Sharks - (2) people

Have My Picture Taken With A Minke Whale  -  07/01/14 (Lance Garbutt)

See the african animals:Rhinocerous  -  08/10/10 (Nicholas Todd)

Have My Picture Taken With a Sperm Whale  -  07/06/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Touch a Pyramid  -  11/07/10 (Rina Iakopo)

Buy animals from SPCA  -  03/25/11 (casey barakat)

Touch different animals: A Deer  -  04/04/14 (Steve Morris)

touch all the oceans  -  08/02/10 (phil guerreiro)

See the Australian Animals: Kangaroo  -  08/10/10 (Nicholas Todd)

See African Animals in the Wild: Hyeena  -  03/29/14 (Steve Morris)

Swim with Whale Sharks - (6) people

Whale Rock (Wilson's Promontory, Victoria, Australia)  -  04/12/16 (Susan F)

Go backstage at Sea World and pet a killer whale - (4) people

See African Animals in the Wild: Flamingo  -  03/29/14 (Steve Morris)

Visit Stonehenge and Touch One of the monoliths  -  03/15/14 (Steve Morris)

Have My Picture Taken With A Fin Whale  -  06/21/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Touch a praying mantis  -  01/19/12 (Elizabeth Newby)

See the Australian Animals:Bandicoot  -  08/10/10 (Nicholas Todd)

See African Animals in the Wild: Giraffe  -  03/29/14 (Steve Morris)

Swim with: A Whale  -  02/21/14 (Steve Morris)

See British Animals: A Rabbit  -  02/20/14 (Steve Morris)

Feed Animals: A Meerkat  -  01/31/14 (Steve Morris)

See the Australian Animals:Kookaburra  -  08/10/10 (Nicholas Todd)