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Similiar Bucket List Ideas

watch the wonder pets with my children  -  08/24/11 (Megan T)

✔Write a children's story / song  -  09/14/14 (Zsófi Homoki)

have/raise my own children  -  10/27/10 (Sara Vander Ark)

Read all of the Boxcar children books  -  08/26/19 (Megan Nicole)

Write a children's book...and have it published  -  02/28/12 (Nicole Black)

Write children's book  -  09/25/20 (Megan Nicole)

Raise 2 or 3 (biological or adopted) children  -  07/14/10 (Katie Mitchell)

216. Read all ‘1001 Children books you must read before you die’ - (2) people

give my children cool middle names  -  08/24/11 (Megan T)

volunteer to help children in Africa  -  02/29/12 (Athirah Ibarahim)

Watch my children grow up  -  06/27/12 (Jessica Gregor)

Be my children's role model  -  06/28/12 (Adam Gregor)

spend vacation in a Children's Village  -  07/07/10 (arim g)

To make sure my children are proud of their mother and family - (2) people

Have 1 boy and 1 girl or 3 children  -  08/22/11 (Maria I)

✔See my children graduate from high school  -  06/23/10 (Jan Orga)

Make a secret room behind a bookcase for my children to play in  -  03/30/11 (Shaun Grace)

Have 2 children with the love of my life  -  10/27/10 (n H)

Teach my children to embrace life and "go for it"  -  02/03/12 (Angela Shomion)

Write a book for my children/grandchildren - (2) people

visit an art gallery with my children  -  10/23/10 (Bekki Richens)

Donate toys to a children's hospital  -  04/08/13 (Victoria Clarke)

Teach my children basic gymnastics  -  08/01/12 (Johnny Gonzales)

Take My Children On A Amazing Vacation - (2) people

volunteer to help children in Indonesia  -  02/29/12 (Athirah Ibarahim)

Teach my children how to fight  -  08/16/12 (Johnny Gonzales)

Help the Children of St. Jude's Hospital  -  01/02/11 (Feminist Girl86)

Volunteer in a women's/children's shelter - (2) people

Write a children's book with my boys as the main characters  -  12/15/10 (Elissa R)

Illustrate a children's book  -  07/25/12 (Johnny Gonzales)

Have five children  -  05/04/11 (tom harry)

Do volunteering work with children in needs  -  02/29/12 (Athirah Ibarahim)

Start a children's home for Chinese orphans  -  01/04/15 (Alisha Ellis)

32. See my children succeed  -  12/12/10 (Shane Nolan)

Watch my children get married - (3) people

Write a letter to each of your children telling them what you want them to know about your life and the lessons you’ve learned - (2) people

Read My Child The Children's Classics  -  12/15/13 (Lance Garbutt)

Have a child/children - (12) people

Make my children proud of me  -  02/03/12 (Angela Shomion)

✔Write a letter to each of my children telling them what I want them to know about my life and the lessons I've learned  -  08/26/10 (Stephanie Brennan)

Offer to look after a friend's children - (2) people

marry & have children with the love of my life  -  01/08/12 (Elizabeth Allison)

Go on a Disney cruise with my children - (3) people

See my children get married - (2) people

Watch my children (and my nephew) grow up  -  07/07/11 (Beth R)

Write and illustrate a children's book - (2) people

Write a children's book - (6) people

have a children  -  05/29/10 (Renz Ong)

Help families with special needs children either by being an Educational Aide in the school system or by being a parent advocate that attends IEP meetings  -  11/16/10 (Melissa McKay)

Illustrate a children's book - (2) people