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Travel to all 50 states

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Pebble Shore Lake in Glacier National Park, Montana, United States  -  05/01/14 (Lance Garbutt)

✔Travel destination: Tijuana, Mexico  -  08/05/13 (Christina Christensen)

Climb To All 8 States Summits Of Australia  -  12/14/13 (Lance Garbutt)

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collect a rock from all 50 states  -  08/21/15 (Pete R)

Travel to the Great Wall of China  -  08/04/11 (Janie Niekamp)

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✔Create a travel/bucket list blog  -  02/06/14 (Susan F)

✔Travel destination: Poland  -  08/05/13 (Christina Christensen)

Paria Canyon, Arizona, United States  -  02/15/14 (Lance Garbutt)

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Find a Geocache in all 50 states  -  09/07/11 (Michaela Mandujano)

visit 4 states i've never been to  -  03/29/12 (Mariesa DeAngelis)

Travel the Trans Siberian railway  -  01/08/12 (Elizabeth Allison)

✔Travel all mode of transportation  -  07/21/12 (jai prakash singh)

Finger Lakes Grassroots Festival of Music and Dance, New York, United States  -  07/18/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Travel to Texas  -  10/04/10 (Sasha Kaine)

✔Travel destination: Thailand  -  08/05/13 (Christina Christensen)

✔Visit A Travel Expo  -  02/01/15 (Lance Garbutt)

Travel destination: Hawaii  -  08/05/13 (Christina Christensen)

Travel to 100 different countries  -  10/13/14 (Susan F)

Travel to Norway  -  08/24/11 (Maria I)

Travel around Canada  -  01/03/12 (Emma Britton)

Travel to the 7 modern wonders of the world - Machu Picchu  -  04/07/13 (Francine Nedelcoux)

Travel all, if not most, of the United States of America  -  06/17/11 (barry white)

Travel to Russia and learn more about my family heritage there  -  05/30/11 (Heather Novak)

✔Do a travel writing course  -  09/14/10 (C M)

Travel on the Trans Siberian  -  09/14/10 (Becky Lawrence)

Travel to any country in Great Britain  -  12/01/10 (Geoffry Govertsen)

Visit all 50 states of the USA  -  07/10/10 (Ashley Valencia)

✔Travel Somewhere Solo  -  06/25/14 (Lance Garbutt)

157. Collect 10 travel books (like the ones I already own)  -  06/29/11 (Jirrine Breedijk)

Travel Europe for a Month  -  08/22/14 (Mark Sukis)

✔Travel by cargo ship  -  08/02/14 (Esther Joy)

Travel destination: China  -  08/05/13 (Christina Christensen)

Travel to 15 different countries  -  10/13/14 (Susan F)

Go to all 50 states in the US  -  06/10/16 (Stephanie hulett)

Travel To Spain - (3) people

Travel all the continents  -  12/28/13 (Benjamin Fischer)

✔Stand in two states at the same time  -  12/14/17 (Pete R)

Travel to all the 50 states in the usa - (2) people

Travel - See the Grand Canyon  -  08/10/11 (Carroll VerSteeg)

travel in the Channel Tunnel (tunnel under English Channel)  -  02/19/13 (Cassandra Bielecki)

Travel to Space - (2) people

Eastern Most Point in the United States (West Quoddy Head, Maine)  -  01/26/15 (Susan F)

Satchmo Summer Fest, New Orleans, United States  -  07/18/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Travel - Trip to Oregon / Wash  -  08/10/11 (Carroll VerSteeg)

Travel East Asia  -  08/14/11 (Georgina Young)

Travel - Yearly trips to Las Vegas  -  08/10/11 (Carroll VerSteeg)

Travel to the Netherlands for Redheadday  -  01/17/11 (Blake M)