Lyz Betz

Lyz Betz


About Lyz:
My name is Lyz. I'm creating this for my 2012 bucket list! I'm super excited!

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A story I wrote while in the bath..xDD

I start the water and stop the drain. Testing the water against my wrist to check the temperature, Globs of soap drop and I swirl the water around my fingertips. The smell of pomegranates fills the room. The flicker of the candles sets the atmosphere. It’s like a hipsters picture of the girl in the boys arms with candles lit except I’m all alone. I stop the water and strip down. My pale white skin tightens against the chilly air. I dance on the balls of my feet over to the mat on the floor. Swooshing my feet back and forth, I feel the warm soft fabric move between my toes. I plunge my foot into the water and gently put in the next. Squatting down, I realize the water is too hot, but I might as well go on with it now. I readjust my pony tail to the top of my head and lean back. The small of my back hits the cold tub and then my shoulder blades. I pile soap on top of my chest as I drop further into the tub. If I want to do this I have to do it like they do in the movies, with soap bubbles covering up every bit of my body.
I lean back so my head rests against the back of the small tub. I slowly slide my feet up the wall and soap drips down. My thighs are covered in soap as well as all the way up to my belly button. It looks like a dark hole to wonderland. My chest is mostly covered except for part of my left side. I wonder what it’s like to have a man come in a see someone like this. How is it to see a guy gaze across you in such a seductive way? He’d probably smirk, just as I would. He’d take off his tie from his long day of work, and then unbutton his tucked in shirt. He slides his belt off then his pants and look at me. He’d take off his boxers and have me scoot up. He’d slide in behind me and I’d collapse between his strong thighs putting my head to his chest. I’d feel his slow breathing on my scalp as his soft pink lips give me a tender kiss. That’s what would happen if I was older and in love.
Instead of that it was just me. I covered myself more with soap. Grabbing my book, I sniff the pages. The book just got sent back from Afghanistan where my dad had it. I smells different, but still the same. There’s still a crease on the front cover corner. Beginning to read, I get a nostalgic feeling of reading it before. I had the same feelings. It’s about a girl who knows she is on the last leg of life. She has cancer. She’s making a list of things to do before she dies.
The temperature of the water is finally getting to me and I wipe the sweat off my brow.

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