Johnny Gonzales

Johnny Gonzales


About Johnny:
My names Johnny and I'm 24 years old with one amazing wife, son, and soon daughter! I am currently a gymnastics coach and I very much enjoy my job! I' more

Mission Statement:
Two sayings come into mind when writing this which are, you're only young once and you only live once! I feel like young is a state of mind and if you more

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Bucket List Item Information

Go to a street party

"To have some fun!"

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✔Host a sex toy party  -  06/14/11 (Ashley D.)

Throw a badass party - (4) people

After party with a band  -  04/07/17 (Megan Nicole)

✔Listen to a street musician in Seattle, WA  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Attend a fetish party  -  08/19/12 (Jess ica)

Help an Elderly Person Cross the Street - (2) people

Be in a wedding party - (2) people

57. Host a wine and cheese party at my own place  -  06/27/11 (Michelle Anne)

Ride the zipline on Freemont Street (Las Vegas, Nevada)  -  03/08/15 (Susan F)