Megan Nicole

Megan Nicole


Mission Statement:
I want to live life to the fullest, and experience as many things as possible. I want to be the one person who always has an interesting story to tell more

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Bucket List Item Information

Make out with pop rocks in my mouth

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Story And Details

No story or details.



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Make a list of my top 100 favorite songs  -  08/01/22 (Megan Beeching)

Make a stained glass window - (2) people

Make a full court basketball shot  -  11/14/12 (Johnny Gonzales)

204. Make a souvenir corner with 20 souvenirs that mean something to me  -  10/29/11 (Jirrine Breedijk)

Make pop up book  -  09/25/20 (Megan Nicole)

Make a (wearable) dress for myself  -  09/22/10 (N T)

Make my website more famous than facebook  -  07/03/11 (Vicki Edmunds)


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