Mackenzie Kreller

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Enlightenment Progress (8/100)
Quick Find:
people (1)
people (1)
people (90)
people (29)
Visit all the stops on the Monopoly board
people (2)
"Awesome Colors, You design it your self... why NOT??"
people (1)
Find three other people and dress up as Kiss
people (1)
"Paul Simon's Diamonds Baby!"
Open a Sweets Dipping and Wine Shop with my Best Friend Natalie
Completed on 01/29/2011
"My first outting with the Au Pair Ladies I met in Zurich"
photos (1)
people (6)
Completed on 04/18/2011
"I have lived in Zurich Switzerland longer than the consecutive Tourist Visa Date... Therefore, I have lived in a foriegn country... I am American! Not more"
people (10)
Hike to the Bottom of the Grand Canyon
people (6)
"Bike across America and Build homes for those less fortunate! I am in!"
Climb to the top of an active Volcano
people (3)
"I will probably give back whatever I take, unless it's something like a broom and they have carpets only and I need a broom.. then I might keep it!"
Design a Shoe and have it created
people (1)
Work as a Disney Princess @ a Disney Theme Park
"Every Girl wants to be a princess, unless you are a tomboy!!!"
Go to attend a fashion show in Paris during Fashion Week
""Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is ha more"
people (3)
Celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans
people (141)
people (2)
people (32)
Wake up and realise I have no idea where I am
people (6)
Drink at the original Starbucks
people (2)
people (31)
have a reading done by a psychic, fortune teller or palm reader
people (36)
people (67)
Completed on 11/11/2009
"Lorenzo the Chinchilla... but next it's a snake!!!"
people (2)
Hop a fence that I shouldn't be hopping
people (1)
Eat a cake with a picture of my own face on it
Completed on 05/21/2005
"I forgot I did this when I graduated from High School!"
people (4)
people (1)
Ride a dune buggy in the desert
people (3)
"Freezing cold but I want to say that I did it!"
people (3)
"Preferably in a ship wreck!!!!"
Meet Lady Gaga and get her to sign a Body Part
"She is AMAZING.... Who wouldn't want her to sign your body!!!"
"A giant food fight!! who wouldn't... You get to eat and play with your food, and throw it in someones face!"
people (20)
" Walk barefoot over a bed of hot embers or stones."
people (9)
people (27)
"Who doesn't love Board Games... especially while indulging in a great drink?? The more the merrier that can play I say!! Any suggestions??"
"I want to go every year, but something comes up!! Well, not 2012! My life that year will be planned around coachella!"
people (3)
A Weekend in VEGAS wheremarriages( not mine) are anulled
"I am not one to "party like a rockstar" as they say, but a weekend in Vegas where I find someone who mistakenly got married and had to have it annulle more"
Jump Out of a Birthday Cake for Someone (clothed or a swimsuit)
"What better way to suprise someone for their birthday!"
"i keep changing my major! I need to just pick a major and finish!"
people (94)
people (2)
people (164)
Adopt an accent for a whole day
people (5)
people (71)
Completed on 06/21/2001
"Festival in Colorado with the sister and the brother and the cousins!"
people (139)
people (9)
Completed on 06/11/2010
"Next goal is to get certified in Sky Diving so I can jump alone!"
people (159)
"Dual Hula Hooping Sister Style!!!"
people (1)
people (55)
Shave an alpaca, knit a hat with its fur
people (1)
people (39)
36 To get honey from a bee hive
people (1)
people (193)
Throw a dart on a map and travel there
people (86)
people (30)
Completed on 07/09/2008
"Cancun Mexico!!!!"
people (9)
people (7)
people (3)
go through a drive thru on foot
people (6)
people (36)
Be a contestant on Wheel of Fortune
people (13)
Crush grapes in a vineyard with my feet
people (55)
Jump in a taxi cab and scream FOLLOW THAT CAR like in those movies
people (43)
people (28)
Catch my own lobster, crab, and shrimp... cook it all, then eat
people (2)
Leave a letter in a library book
people (67)
people (13)
Throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain
Completed on 03/02/2011
"The tradition of throwing a coin into the Trevi Fountain over the right shoulder is that you will one day return to Rome... I am going back!"
photos (1)
people (41)
go to the airport and buy a ticket for the next flight out
people (77)
Glue money to the floor and watch as people try to pick it up
people (14)
people (166)
Send a postcard to Post Secret
people (33)
Capture lightning in a photograph
people (38)
people (111)
people (104)
people (18)
Help build a home for someone less fortunate
people (1)
people (76)
people (80)
"really does this need an explanation??"
people (224)
people (138)
people (203)
people (228)

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

"Huntington library and botanical garden. Nice surprise"

"Need to use corn flakes next time. Granola meh 😕 "