Alex's Bucket List

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Alex's Latest Activity
Alex Jackson added Send a message in a bottle to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"Its cool"

Alex Jackson added Make a throw to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"I want to"

Alex Jackson added Plant a tree to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"To help the planet"

Alex Jackson added Go vegetarian for a year to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"i dunno"

Alex Jackson added Donate 5% of my wage to charity to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"to help people"


Live Stream for Alex
Alex Jackson added Send a message in a bottle to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"Its cool"

Alex Jackson added Make a throw to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"I want to"

Alex Jackson added Plant a tree to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"To help the planet"

Alex Jackson added Go vegetarian for a year to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"i dunno"

Alex Jackson added Donate 5% of my wage to charity to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"to help people"

Alex Jackson added Buy an acre of the moon to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"It will be worth something someday"

Alex Jackson added See the statue of liberty to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"and take a perceptional angle photo"

Alex Jackson added Order food in france to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"to test my french"

Alex Jackson completed Make a bucket list. - over a year ago

"50 items - not bad"

Alex Jackson added Make a bucket list to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"Ha! Always wanted to"

Alex Jackson added Go on the London eye to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"have wanted to for a while"

Alex Jackson added Try fencing to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"never given it a try"

Alex Jackson added See the Arc de Triomphe to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"always wanted to"

Alex Jackson added Go up the Eiffel Tower to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"I have always wanted to"

Alex Jackson added Take a photo with the sphinx to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"its amazing"

Alex Jackson added See the pyramids to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"they look amazing"

Alex Jackson added Visit Rome to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"Really, really want to go"

Alex Jackson added Go skiing to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"never been and always wanted to go"

Alex Jackson added Go sailing to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"Looks cool"

Alex Jackson added Go zorbing to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"Always wanted to go after doing something similar in Cornwall"

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