Emily Wargel

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Enlightenment Progress (2/11)
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people (148)
"Step one to my biggest wish, traveling out of the country :)"
people (12)
"I really want to learn Spanish"
people (68)
people (31)
"When I was little I wanted to be an author. So it would be fun to give it a try now."
people (138)
Completed on 08/15/2009
"Took awhile to learn :/"
people (67)
"I've always wanted to do this, but I'm terrified of heights."
people (96)
"I think it sounds really fun."
people (2)
"I can't stand blood or needles sadly :("
people (142)
Completed on 04/22/2009
"It hurt, but it didn't last very long and I believe it was worth it!"
photos (1)
people (277)
"It sounds so pretty :)"
people (127)
"Step one to my biggest wish, traveling out of the country :)"
"I really want to learn Spanish"

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

"Huntington library and botanical garden. Nice surprise"

"Need to use corn flakes next time. Granola meh 😕 "