Enlightenment Progress (22/46)
Quick Find:
Completed on 07/22/2011
"Fun but it did hurt a little bit at times... especially getting shot in the ass :P Would definitely do it again in the future if I get the chance thou ...read more"
photos (1)
people (80)
Completed on 07/22/2011
"What a great experience! I couldn't stop laughing the entire 12 minutes."
photos (6)
people (2)
Make a time capsule, bury it, and dig it out one year later
people (1)
Completed on 06/01/2011
"So much fun! Did this in the Negev in Israel during my Birthright trip."
photos (5)
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people (8)
Take both grandmas out to lunch on the beach again
Completed on 08/09/2011
comments (1)
"Did it a lot as a kid and had full movie days. It was lots of fun, but haven't done it in a very long time. Would LOVE to do it again."
Go to the Ice Bar in Eilat, Israel
"Where everything is made of ice - even the shot glasses. There's even an ice slide that goes around the bar!"
Completed on 06/11/2011
"Yummy. I like it!"
photos (1)
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"Because living with my parents in the States and with my grandparents in Israel is starting to take its toll. "
Find a date to Gilad's wedding
Completed on 07/04/2011
"Well, the guy I asked couldn't go with me so I ended up going with my roommate. I don't know if it counts but I'll still count it because I didn't go ...read more"
Completed on 05/29/2012
"But sadly it's in NJ right now and I'm in Israel... I miss it. "
Completed on 05/30/2011
"I've just finished my semester abroad in Israel. I chose Israel because I have family and friends here and I believe I made the right choice. I was bo ...read more"
photos (2)
people (9)
Completed on 05/30/2011
"Woohoo! Just got back. I feel so much better now. I forget how refreshing good haircuts feel. "
photos (1)
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people (30)
Look at the stars through a telescope
people (2)
Go to a drive-in movie theater
"If drive-in movie theaters still exist anywhere in the world."
people (8)
Completed on 05/30/2011
"This was on my mental list for a long time and I finally got to do it last week with the help of my friend, who has a motorcycle. I'd post a picture, ...read more"
people (16)
people (4)
Do what you love and fuck the rest
"Thanks, Little Miss Sunshine"
Witness an animal giving birth
people (1)
Make a significant change in someone's life
"About a year ago, I met someone who has made a significant change in my life, and as much as I want to pay him back - I also want to pay it forward. "
people (2)
Organize an SPHDS/California reunion in Israel
Completed on 06/03/2011
"Success! We met at Max Brenner Chocolate Bar and had fondue and talked until 3 AM. Reminiscing was fun and everyone stayed pretty much the same as I r ...read more"
Completed on 05/29/2012
"Whether it's real or not, it's still fun."
people (2)
Completed on 07/22/2011
"My Hebrew has improved tremendously since I came to Israel to study abroad. I'm a lot more confident now speaking it. I'm marking this goal as done be ...read more"
"Without the pressure of school and work, do I still love it like I used to?"
"I don't want to live with it anymore. "
Go to a nutritionist or a dietician
Completed on 11/04/2011
"I'm going to both a nutritionist and therapist who specialize in eating disorders. This is probably the most difficult time of my life. Beating my eat ...read more"
comments (1)
Completed on 08/09/2011
"Thank God... Now let's try a year... "
"Three on each ear is not enough! :P"
"Again. Because the last time was amazing but too short. "
people (260)
people (43)
Geocach with my brother and actually find something this time
Completed on 06/11/2011
"Woohoo! I missed going to the movies. Went to see Hangover 2. Of course, not as funny as the first one was but it was still great. Laughed a lot and j ...read more"
Stand in the middle of an empty football field and scream my lungs out
"Like in the third episode of the first season of Smallville"
Listen to "3 AM" by Matchbox Twenty at 3 AM
Completed on 05/30/2011
"I actually did this a little while ago and it was pretty cool. There's something about listening to that song at that time that's funny and kind of ma ...read more"
comments (1)
people (1)
Listen to "4th of July" by SK6ers on the 4th of July
Completed on 07/04/2011
"This is my life on the 4th of July. It isn't much, but at least it's mine."
"Straddle the state line, like in A Walk To Remember."
people (10)
people (5)
Completed on 03/14/2012
"I must say it was heavenly."
people (1)
Volunteer at an animal shelter
people (7)
Read the entire Sookie Stackhouse series
photos (7)
Completed on 05/30/2011
"Found a lovely cheap one at a music store in Tel Aviv, Israel"
photos (1)
Completed on 06/09/2011
"Done! So excited to play more songs now (:"
Learn more songs on the guitar
Completed on 05/29/2012

"Whether it's real or not, it's still fun."

"But sadly it's in NJ right now and I'm in Israel... I miss it. "

"I'm going to both a nutritionist and therapist who specialize in eating disorders. This is probably the most difficult time of my life. Beating my eating disorder will be a long process, if I beat it ...read more"

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

"Huntington library and botanical garden. Nice surprise"

"Need to use corn flakes next time. Granola meh 😕 "
"Thanks for the add! You have lots of greens on your bucketlist so that means you have accompished alot already. Hope to follow this! :) Have a good day :)" - over a year ago