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Dance In the Rain

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(23) People Have This On Their Bucket List


Similiar Bucket List Ideas

Stand out in the rain and get drenched - (6) people

Learn how to dance - (4) people

Salsa dance in South America  -  02/03/12 (Angela Shomion)

12. Take Dance Lessons For Flamenco - (2) people

Dance beneath the stars  -  02/02/12 (Tami K.)

Be on my college's dance team  -  10/15/12 (Samantha Ferry)

walking in the rain for no reason  -  06/17/10 (Fiona Ryan)

Dance naked in the rain - (2) people

take dance lessons - (3) people

✔Learn dance  -  02/01/12 (Jade Johnson)

Take a couple's dance class  -  03/16/15 (Deana Littlebear)

Learn to dance Tango - (3) people

Dance the Tango in Buenos Aires  -  05/12/13 (Sherri Campbell)

Passionately kiss in the rain  -  05/23/11 (kim Clark)

Dance salsa in Miami - (2) people

✔9. Take Dance Lessons For Ballet  -  03/13/11 (Emma McD)

Learn the full ‘Single Ladies’ dance routine - (4) people

Visit the amazon rain forest  -  03/28/11 (Katt Bajjani)

Learn the smooth criminal dance  -  08/22/12 (Johnny Gonzales)

✔Dance on a table  -  08/01/14 (Esther Joy)

Go to the rain room in London  -  06/05/13 (Mae Babcock)

Be kissed in pouring rain  -  10/16/10 (Amy Kruse)

✔Have a really passionate kiss in the rain (to do)  -  07/11/11 (Susan F)

Hula dance (to do)  -  07/14/11 (Susan F)

✔79. Stand in the rain, look up at the sky and feel the water drizzle down my body  -  06/27/11 (Michelle Anne)

✔Choreograph a dance and put it on youtube  -  01/17/14 (Megan Nicole)

Take a hip hop dance class - (2) people

take pole dance class  -  11/24/10 (Katherine Rush)

learn a hip hop dance  -  10/10/10 (morgan mayfield)

See the Amazon rain forest  -  06/26/10 (Kaitlyn Nesbitt)

7. Take Dance Lessons For Foxtrot  -  03/13/11 (Emma McD)

Go to a Rain Forest - (2) people

Learn how to Waltz - ballroom dance  -  07/09/10 (Sarah Divona)

✔Have Our First Dance as Husband and Wife  -  09/18/16 (Lance Garbutt)

Teach My Dog to Dance  -  02/16/17 (Lance Garbutt)

✔dance to the disapearnce of hatsune miku infront of my entire grade  -  06/02/11 (Elisa ninja Millis)

walk in the kentucky rain  -  08/23/15 (Pete R)

zip line through a rain forest  -  01/27/13 (Jill Hodge)

✔58 To dance like no one’s watching  -  12/14/10 (Tyler Carver)

dance on stage - (2) people

Learn to Ballrrom Dance  -  09/03/12 (Caroline Olmstead)

15. Take Dance Lessons For Irish Stepdance  -  03/13/11 (Emma McD)

3) compete in a dance competition  -  01/03/11 (chazzlynn and haley)

Expedition in the amazon rain forest  -  09/03/12 (Caroline Olmstead)

41. Get kissed in the rain - (2) people

38. hike through the Amazon rain forest  -  10/10/10 (Mazzi wheatley)

Have fun in the rain  -  11/15/10 (Rina Iakopo)

sing: "singing in the rain" whilst in the rain  -  08/09/11 (Anna Plant)

dance with one arm waving free  -  10/21/10 (hannah brown)

✔bust out in ramdom song and dance  -  04/16/11 (Shelby Seiler)